
Scrutineering will be carried out at Paseo do Parrote on Friday 4 October from 11:00 a.m. according to the timetable established for each participant.

Timetable for technical verifications.(To be published on Wednesday, October 2).


There will be an area enalbe for the vans and trailers, at the Marina Coruña facilities. This area will be accessible with cars / vans with trailer to unload the cars and may remain parked trailers until the end of the rallies.

The route from the trailer park to the technical checks is very simple and short. You can see it in the following graphic. ONLY access to rally cars is allowed . Access to vans, trailers and other vehicles is PROHIBITED.


After the technical control you can take the vehicles to the Parc Fermé (Plaza de María Pita). Always will be accessed through Cuesta de San Agustín, as can be seen in the following picture. Enter directly in the Plaza de María Pita from the verifications by Puerta Real is PROHIBITED. Failure to do so will result in a penalty.
