Useful Information


Trailers may be parked during the rally in the MARINA CORUÑA area. It is very close to the verification area. In the following graph you can see how to get there.

Technical Control

The technical control zone is an area of restricted access to traffic. There are control cameras that sanction all vehicles circulating in that area.
Only will be able to access this area competition cars that will be previously authorized. Access to vans, trailers and other vehicles is PROHIBITED.

The Plaza de María Pita cannot be accessed directly from the technical verifications. Participants who do so will be penalized.

More info in the section SCRUTINEERING

Access to la Plaza de María Pita
Participants’ access to the Plaza de María Pita will be made always by San Agustín, as indicated in the road book at the end, pages 104 and 105.
It is totally forbidden to access directly to María Pita Square from La Marina. It is necessary to accede always by the back part of the City council.

Identifying bracelets
All participants, driver and co-driver, from the time of technical control, will have to wear the identification bracelets that are given to them, to accede to the closed parks, regroupings, zone of attendance, ceremonies, etc.

Start Ceremony
All rally cars must enter the Parc Fermé (Plaza de María Pita) on Friday between 16:30 and 18:00 for the Start Ceremony.
The start ceremony will begin at 19:00 hours. The start will be given in reverse order to the numbers assigned in the entry list. The participants will have to wear the fireproof suit.
The participants will leave according to the indications of the roadbook that they will be able to download in the section “roadbook” of this web, and will follow the route marked to return to the Plaza de María Pita. There are no time controls, but the maximum entry time is established at 21:00 hours.
Cars will remain in Parque Cerrado until the start of the Rally.

Removal of vehicles from the Parc Fermé
Once the rallye is finished, and the Official Classification is published, all teams must remove the cars from the Plaza de María Pita before at 00:15 hours.